Unknown Sin
April 7, 2019
We serve a God that forgives all sin when we seek forgiveness and confess it. There is a freedom found in making known what you tried to keep unknown. God declares you fully known, but yet fully loved.
Unknown Condition
April 14, 2019
When life feels like it is unraveling at the seams and you are beneath the fray, just know there is a God who only needs a thread of faith to mend a garment of praise.
Unknown Cup
April 19, 2019
Good Friday Service
Unknown Interruption
April 21, 2019
Life is a series of “unknown interruptions” requiring constant consideration and consolidation of whether or not the interruption is important enough to cause redirection. However, what if the “unknown interruption” was seen not as an inconvenience, but an intervention, could we ...
Unknown (g)od
April 28, 2019
The way you define God will always be the way you describe God, but most importantly display God.
Unknown Eternity
May 5, 2019
The Unknown Mom
May 12, 2019
Proverbs 31 has been a standard of inspiration for all women but has also quietly served as a mark of intimidation. My hope today is by revealing the “Unknown Mom” behind this proverb a new perspective would be gained, and an unspoken pressure would be relieved.
The Unknown Day
May 19, 2019
The hope of every follower of Jesus is His return to this earth to make all things new. Though many Christians don’t agree on every detail on “end time events” we can fully agree on the following:
The Unknown Stone
May 26, 2019
A rock is rock until a rock is repurposed and then it becomes a stone. For the rock itself hasn’t changed, but what it is being used for has, thus requiring a name change. Today, we seek to repurpose rocks to stones.
Unknown Friends
March 31, 2019
When you are on the outside looking in, hoping to be heard, given hope and healing, but you can’t move another step, could we believe that what seems final is not finished?
Unknown Church-The Antioch Effect
March 24, 2019
The most radical paradigm shift of sharing Jesus to all nations happened when persecution drove the early church to disperse. This dispersion, did not destroy the movement of Jesus, but instead deployed it to the ends of the earth. The vehicle...the Church at Antioch.