

  • Paid in Full

    July 1, 2018

    As we wait, He works! Jesus as our kinsman redeemer fulfills the role as your deliverer not only today, but forevermore by pleading your case, defending your cause, and calling you His own.

  • Sleepless and Single

    June 24, 2018

  • Failure to Launch

    June 17, 2018

    Would you have the courage to reengage, the courage to redirect, and the courage to reclaim what God wanted to be said about the impact of your life?

  • Come Home

    June 3, 2018

    It's never too late to come back home to what you know to be true. Though you may not see it, He has been relentlessly pursuing after you, and one of the ways He shows you is consuming love by revealing it to you through those around you.

  • Not A Chance

    June 10, 2018

    To reduce our circumstances both positive and negative to a lucky break, bad luck, bad timing, fortune or fate, fails to take into consideration that the God that we serve is all powerful, all seeing and all knowing. Today’s message helps us see that He isn’t a distance God, but a ...