May We Honor

May We Honor

May We Honor
  • Pass it Down

    May 8, 2022

    The godly characteristics of motherhood allow us all to ask ourselves "what are we passing on to those under our influence?"

  • Far From Home

    May 15, 2022

    There is a prodigal spirit in all of us that always will be tempted to look FAR FROM HOME only to discover that what we have with us will always be better than what is beyond us.

  • God's Got You Covered

    May 22, 2022

    Putting on the armor of God is more than a drawing, it is an everyday, multiple times throughout the day, decision.

  • Memorial Day Weekend / Love Uvalde

    May 29, 2022

    Our hearts are broken for our brothers and sisters in Uvalde, for we mourn with those that mourn, and we stand in solidarity with them.